jQuery does not trigger background image change in Webkit

            const displayPreviewImage = (imageUrl) => {
                $('#slideshow-container').css("background-image", `url('files/images/store/content/templates/websites/preview_images/${imageUrl}'`);

I have a function here that sets the preview image based on the provided image link. It's functioning correctly in Firefox and Internet Explorer. Can anyone assist me with what I might be overlooking? I've attempted using backgroundImage instead, as well as removing quotes from within the URL line...

Answer №1

Try utilizing wedkit's developer tools to investigate why the background-image is not being implemented.

By the way, it's unnecessary to include a string parameter in url(), and you forgot to add a closing parenthesis ) at the end.

function set_preview_image(image_link){
    $('#slideshow-container').css("background-image", "url(files/images/store/content/templates/websites/preview_images/" + image_link +")");

Answer №2

Adding // or ~/ before your URL might make a difference. It's worth giving it a try!

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