Establish the height of the root to be the same as the height

As a newcomer to HTML and CSS, I am struggling with setting the background color of my root div on a webpage. My code is quite complex, but let me simplify the issue for you by providing a sample problem below.





<div id="background">
    <div class="content">
    <div class="content">
    <div class="content">

I am looking to make the background height match that of the child divs. Any help is appreciated!

Answer №1

To enhance the appearance of #background, include display:table:

    display: table;/*Make sure to add this line*/

View example with table format

Alternatively, you can opt for float:left:

    float: left;/*Include this line instead*/

View example with floating elements

Answer №2

To prevent overflow, simply include the 'overflow:hidden;' property in your background CSS:


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