Error occurs when resizing SVG icon

Having some environmental constraints, I have resized this 16x16 icon to 13.4x16, but it appears blurry. Despite my understanding of SVG and setting the preserveAspectRatio attribute, the resizing does not work as expected. Can anyone point out what I might be doing wrong?

.menu {
  width: 13.4px;
  height: 16px;
<!DOCTYPE html>

  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>SVG icon resize</title>

  <svg class="menu" version="1.1" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 16 16" preserveAspectRatio="x16Y16 meet">
    <polygon points="2,6 2,4 14,4 14,6 " />
    <polygon points="2,9 2,7 14,7 14,9 " />
    <polygon points="2,12 2,10 14,10 14,12 " />


To view the icon correctly, adjust the width back to 16px.

Explore this snippet on jsBin - enter link description here

Answer №1

Initially, the preserveAspectRatio attribute in your SVG code is invalid. To find a list of valid values for this attribute, you can refer to this link.

However, the blurriness issue you are experiencing is not caused by this attribute, but rather by the scaling down of the image due to its reduced size (13.4 vs 16). This results in antialiasing as the renderer tries to approximate fractions of pixels using grey pixels.

To address this blurriness, correct use of the preserveAspectRatio attribute is crucial. The choice of value depends on the desired behavior for the narrower image:

  • Using preserveAspectRatio="none" will stretch or squeeze the icon to fit the narrow size, which may work well for this specific icon but could distort other icons like circles turning into ovals.

  • To keep the icon contents the same size while centering them in the narrow space, consider using "xMidYMid slice".

Both of these options should work for your current icon situation.

  • If the goal is to retain the left side of the icon and clip off the right side for other icons, you could try using "xMinYMid slice".

I hope this information proves helpful in addressing your concern.

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