Error in React: Mixing units is not allowed when using vw and px together in the css calc() function

Is there a way to create fluid font size using the css calc() function in React without running into errors when mixing vw and px units?

font-size: calc(14px + (26px - 14px)) * ((100vw - 300px) / (1600 - 300));

I encountered an error where SASS was unable to compile 100vw - 300px.

What would be the most effective solution to resolve this issue?

Answer №1

When using the CSS calc function, it is important to remember that the multiply or divide operators require at least one unitless number as an operand.

According to MDN Docs:

* Multiplication. One of the arguments must be a <number>.

/ Division. The right-hand side should be a <number>.

The calculation provided violates this rule. In simple terms:

calc(26px * (100vw - 300px) / 1300);

This is incorrect because neither 26px nor (100vw - 300px) are unitless numbers.

Additionally, there is an extra closing parenthesis after 14px), causing a syntax error in your original question.

Answer №2

Providing the error would be helpful, but you might want to attempt this:

("100vw - 300px")

To explore further, check out Is it possible to use vh minus pixels in a CSS calc()?

Answer №3

Perhaps utilizing a CSS custom property (CSS variable) could be effective in your case:

Working with a CSS variable can help to obscure the value and its unit, especially for properties like width or height. Alternatively, you could encapsulate everything within a calc function.

div {
   --containerWidth: 80%;
   font-size: calc(12px + (18px - 12px)) * ((var(--containerWidth) - 200px) / (1200 - 200));

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