What is the best way to make a panel width adjust automatically to fit the screen width?

I have developed a React/Material UI application that includes a Portal which showcases a Panel and a Widget.

Main App: Show Portal and Set Background Color to Blue

export default function App() {
  return (
        backgroundColor: "blue"

You can access my codesandbox via this link: codesandbox.

The focal points of interest are Portal.js, and Layout.js.

Layout sets out specifications for different screen sizes in order to optimize the responsiveness of the Portal when adjusting to window dimensions.

Portal positions the Widget at the top left corner, and effectively "flexes" the Panel to shift below the widget at "xs" and "sm" breakpoints, and to the right of the widget at "md", "lg", and "xl" breakpoints.

While the Widget maintains its aspect ratio, its dimensions may vary depending on user interaction.

Portal incorporates two primary methods - the React functional component and the Material UI makeStyles function.

Portal: React Functional Component

export default function Portal() {
  const selWidHeight = 400;
  const selWidWidth = 800;

  const layout = Layout(selWidHeight / selWidWidth);
  const sizes = {
    containerWidth: layout.selWidgetWidth,
    containerHeight: layout.selWidgetHeight,
    // more code here...

  // more code here...

  return (
        // more code here...

Answer №1

I have successfully implemented a solution that I am quite pleased with. It took some effort to refactor my application in order to accommodate this change.

I would like to give credit to various sources that provided key elements for my fix: you can find more information here and here.

To sum it up, now my Portal can be displayed in two modes: Large Width and Small Width. The Small Width mode arranges the Panel under the Widget, using the Grid mechanism as described in my initial question.

For the Large Width mode, I opted not to use the material ui Grid as it did not offer the level of control I needed to ensure dynamic resizing of the Panel. Instead, I used material-ui Container both as the container and the Panel item. Then, following the suggestions from the link above, I applied styling accordingly. The crucial step here is to dynamically monitor changes in the width and height of the containing windows, and adjust the widths of the div and its contents accordingly.

<Container className={classes.rootContainer}>


The styling for this setup includes:

rootContainer: {
      display: "flex",
      maxWidth: (props) => props.viewWidth,
    widgetContainer: {
      width: (props) => props.widgetContainerWidth,
      height: (props) => props.widgetContainerHeight,
      minWidth: (props) => props.widgetContainerWidth,
      backgroundColor: "red",
      display: "flex",
      flexDirection: "row",
      flexWrap: "wrap",
      justifyContent: "center",
      alignItems: "center",
      position: "relative",
    bookmarkPanelContainer: {
      overflowY: "scroll",
      border: "1px solid red",
      float: "left",
      height: (props) => props.bookmarkPanelContainerHeight,
      position: "relative",

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