Styling the navigation menu for mobile devices

How can we transition from a menu like this :

to this when the screen size reaches a specific width:

In essence, replacing certain texts with icons.

Is pre-defining it and changing the display property in CSS from none to block the only way? Or is there a more efficient approach?

Answer №1

Correct! A good approach would be to first list all the elements for both mobile and desktop in the correct order, then hide the ones you want hidden on desktop by using display:none. While it's possible to do this with JavaScript, it may require more effort and could lead to a messy appearance during load.

Answer №2

Agreeing with @MPortman's suggestion, it is beneficial to have a clear concept from the beginning;

To achieve this, I recommend utilizing CSS Media Queries.

An easy approach is to simply use display:none starting from a specific width.

The web inspector can provide insight into "common breakpoints," but it is not necessary to target @media rules at specific devices; instead, focus on your desktop browser window and observe the natural breakpoints for your content.

Media queries are effective in creating responsive pages, allowing you to hide or show elements based on the device's width (e.g., mobile/desktop).

You can establish both a minimum and maximum width using media queries.

For instance:

/* If the screen size is between 768px and 900px (inclusive), hide the element */
@media screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 900px) {
  div.example {

This code snippet will hide the element on screens larger than 768px up to 900px.

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