Ensuring that the footer remains fixed at the bottom of the page through CSS styling

Is there a way to ensure that the footer stays at the bottom of the page even when there is not enough content?

I've experimented with various CSS options to no avail. While I could use JavaScript to achieve this, I believe CSS would be a smoother solution if possible.

I suspect the issue lies in my wrapper div (with the id "main") having float:none in order to center its contents.

You can view the page at

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

If you're searching for it, the term you need is a sticky footer.

This website offers a pure CSS solution that may be useful to you:

Answer №2

Here is a way to achieve this:

html, body, #main {
    set height to 100%
footer {
    position at the bottom absolutely;

Answer №3

Insert into #lbBottomContainer


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