labels placed beneath evenly spaced radio buttons arranged horizontally

When creating a user form, I am in need of multiple likert items to gauge opinions accurately. My project requires the use of the oTree library, which is closely integrated with django. It is essential that any solution implemented aligns with oTree as much as possible.

The RadioSelectHorizontal widget appears to be the best fit for this task. However, there are two key modifications required from the default setup:

  1. The option labels ("agree", "neutral", etc.) must be positioned directly below the radio buttons.
  2. The radio buttons need to be evenly spaced, ideally extending across the entire width of the page.

In comparison, the default appearance will display the labels between the radio buttons and provide minimal spacing based on label length:

The code snippet provided is as follows:

question_1 = models.IntegerField(widget=widgets.RadioSelectHorizontal, 
                                 label="some question", 
                                 choices=[[1, "strongly disagree"], [2, "disagree"], [3, "neutral"], [4, "agree"], [5, "strongly agree"]])

What steps should I take to address these requirements?

The django documentation suggests various methods such as custom widgets or custom CSS. However, it seems that oTree may have some limitations compared to django.

For clarity, here is an example that satisfies both conditions:

Answer №1

Before you can achieve the desired outcome, there are a few key steps to follow. This particular solution is effective for ensuring that labels are properly aligned either above or below buttons.

To begin, it's essential to have designated containers for housing the question, labels, and buttons. The approach I've taken draws inspiration from a helpful discussion thread. In my scenario, each question needed to be encapsulated within a table, with every button contained in a td element for optimal alignment.

table.TheTable td.buttonGroup{
    width: 70px;
    display: inline-block;

div .labelWrap{
    display: block;
    text-align: center;
    margin: 0 0.2em;

div .buttonWrap {
    display: block;
    text-align: center;
    margin: 0.5em auto;

After establishing this framework, it's important to note that the formfields must be arranged individually, with careful attention paid to aligning both the label and button elements separately.

  {{ for field in form }}
      {{ for choice in field }}
      <td class="buttonGroup">
        <div class="buttonWrap"> {{ choice }} </div>
        <div class="labelWrap"> {{ choice.label }} </div>
  {{ endfor }}

While additional adjustments for alignment and formatting may be necessary, these instructions focus specifically on achieving proper alignment between labels and buttons.

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