Creating an inclusive h1 header with a logo: A step-by-step guide

Is there a way to have a logo linked to the homepage and also have an h1 element that is invisible?

This is my current layout:

<header id="pageHeader">
        <a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>">
            <?php bloginfo('name'); ?>

I've tried using CSS to set the image as a background, but the logo is not loading. Can anyone help with this issue?

header#pageHeader h1 a {
  background-repeat: no-repeat;

Answer №1

Don't forget to include display:inline-block;

Check out this example versus this one

See the disparities in this post, excerpted here:

This setting makes an element generate an inline-level block container. The interior of an inline-block is styled as a block box, and the element itself is formatted as an atomic inline-level box. inline
This setting makes an element generate one or more inline boxes.

sorry to explain why this works:

Inline indicates only occupy necessary space and allow other elements to coexist in the layout with me. Your anchor tag has no text content. Therefore, it doesn't require any space, so it won't take up any.

inline-block signifies occupy the space configured for me (as defined in the CSS) and also allow elements to flow alongside me. This includes width and height, unlike inline elements.

Another option is block, which means occupy a full row without allowing anything to flow beside me

Answer №2

The solution is to simply use either display:block or display:inline-block

Check out the JSFiddle Demo here!

#headerTitle h1 a {
    background-repeat: no-repeat;

Answer №3

The best method to approach this is by making sure it is easily accessible

<h1><a href=...><img src=... alt=... border=0></a></h1>

Answer №4

To resolve a JavaScript issue, you can simply include

in your h1 tag.

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