What could be the reason why the border of my table displays in Firefox and Chrome, but remains hidden in Internet Explorer

I am facing an issue with getting a border to display on a table in Internet Explorer versions IE6, IE7, and IE8. The border is showing up fine in Chrome and Firefox but not in the mentioned IE versions. Below is the CSS code that I have been using:

#infoTable { 
   border-width:thin !important;
   border-style:solid !important; 
#infoTable td { 
   font-size: 10px;
   border-width:thin !important; 
   border-style:solid !important; 

I have tried adding the !important tags in multiple attempts to resolve this issue without success. Any guidance or assistance on how to make this work would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Eric R.

Answer №1

implementing the border-color attribute

Answer №2

Include a border-color attribute too.


Actually, when I inserted a table with the identical styles into a simple HTML document, a subtle gray border displayed perfectly in IE7.

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