Ensuring that text inside a float left div remains aligned with the left margin

I have a situation where I have three divs that are all floating to the left, displayed like this: (1)(2)(3). The issue arises when the font size within div1 is longer than the width I set, causing it to go to the next line within the div. However, the next line does not align with the leftmost margin of the div, rather it appears to be centered. How can I address this problem? Below is the current CSS code I am using:

.left-div-results-list  div:first-child{ 
.left-div-results-list div:nth-child(2){
.left-div-results-list div:nth-child(3){
.left-div-results-list tr td{

here is an example:

> -------------------------------
> -   this is correct
> -
> -
> -
> -
> --------------------------------
> --------------------------------
> -
> - this is not correct when the
> -     length is longer.   --> This needs to also be left aligned.!
> -
> --------------------------------

Answer №1

It's easy to miss the simple solution sometimes. In this case, the issue was caused by the text-align left property not being overridden.

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