Ensure uniform column width for recurring rows in CSS grid, irrespective of content width

Is there a way to ensure that a CSS grid maintains the same width for repeating rows, even if the content in each cell varies in length?

I am attempting to set column 1 to be 10% width, column 2 to be 45% width, and allocate the remaining space to column 3. To achieve this, I have used the following code:

'user-l user-m user-m user-m user-m user-m user-m user-r user-r user-r user-r'

The user-container data is repeated for "n" number of users.

body {margin: 0}

.user-l {grid-area:user-l}
.user-m {grid-area:user-m}
.user-r {grid-area:user-r}

.user-container {
  display: grid;
  'user-l user-m user-m user-m user-m user-m user-m user-r user-r user-r user-r'

.user-r {
  border: 1px solid #ddd;
  padding: 20px;

.user-l {background-color: #2196F3}
.user-m {background-color: #219683}
.user-r {background-color: #216683}
<h1>Grid Elements - How to keep width the same ?</h1>

<p>In the example below, blue and green should have the same width all the time. </p>

<div class="user-container">
  <div class="user-l">
  <p>Name: jsdsdsd djsds</p>
  <div class="user-m">
     <p>Age: 23</p>
  <div class="user-r">
  <p>Occupation: Doctor</p>

<div class="user-container">
  <div class="user-l">
  <p>Name: ANother longer Names</p>
  <div class="user-m">
     <p>Age: 23</p>
  <div class="user-r">
  <p>Occupation: Another Occupation</p>

Answer №1

Implemented changes to the width of user-l user-m user-r and added

grid-template-columns: 10% 45% 1fr;
to control the size of the div.
body {margin: 0}

.user-l {grid-area:user-l}
.user-m {grid-area:user-m}
.user-r {grid-area:user-r}

.user-container {
  display: grid;
 grid-template-columns: 10% 45% 1fr;
  'user-l user-m  user-r'

.user-r {
  border: 1px solid #ddd;
  padding: 20px;

.user-l {background-color: #2196F3; }
.user-m {background-color: #219683;}
.user-r {background-color: #216683;}
<h1>Grid Elements - How to keep width the same ?</h1>

<p>In the example below, blue and green should have the same width all the time. </p>

<div class="user-container">
  <div class="user-l">
  <p>Name: jsdsdsd djsds</p>
  <div class="user-m">
     <p>Age: 23</p>
  <div class="user-r">
  <p>Occupation: Doctor</p>

<div class="user-container">
  <div class="user-l">
  <p>Name: ANother longer Names</p>
  <div class="user-m">
     <p>Age: 23</p>
  <div class="user-r">
  <p>Occupation: Another Occupation</p>

Answer №2

To resolve the issue, utilize the following code snippet. The solution was provided based on feedback from VXp.

<!DOCTYPE html>

.user-container { display: grid;}
.user-container  {
grid-template-columns: 10% 45% 1fr; 
.user-l {
background-color: #2196F3;
border: 1px solid #ddd;
padding 20px;
.user-m {
background-color: #219683;
border: 1px solid #ddd;
padding 20px;
.user-r {
background-color: #216683;
border: 1px solid #ddd;
padding 20px;


<h1>Maintaining Equal Width for Grid Elements</h1>

<p>The goal is to ensure that the blue and green elements always have the same width.</p>

<div class="user-container">
  <div class="user-l">
  <p>Name: Example Name</p>
  <div class="user-m">
     <p>Age: 23</p>
  <div class="user-r">
  <p>Occupation: Developer</p>

<div class="user-container">
  <div class="user-l">
  <p>Name: Another Example Name</p>
  <div class="user-m">
     <p>Age: 27</p>
  <div class="user-r">
  <p>Occupation: Designer</p>


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