Determining the dimensions of a div with a scrollbar using Jquery

Is there a way to get the width and height of a div with scroll that includes both visible and hidden content using JQuery?

If anyone has a solution for getting these values, please share.

<div id="area" class="divLeftCem area">
    <div id="panelArea" class="areaBackground"
        style="width: 1004px; height: 613px; background: #FFFFFF url('Images/background.png') repeat;">

    margin-left: 10px;
    width: 1004px;
    height: 613px;
    border: 1px solid #AFAFAF;
    overflow: auto;
    position: absolute;
    top: 145px;

PS: Apologies for any language errors.

Answer №1

Retrieve the scroll height of an element:


​ Don't forget that you can also use .scrollWidth for the x-axis.

Fiddle example:

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