I'm looking to add some style to the h2 elements on my website. Here is an example of a website where I like the styling:
Another reference site for comparison is:
If you look at the first h3 heading that reads "Head To Head Comparison Between Merger vs Amalgamation (Infographics)", I'd like to apply a similar style to my h2 tags. However, I don't want to manually input the HTML code provided in the example as it would be too tedious for all pages of my website.
<div class="hh-block"><div class="hh-left hh-m-0"><span> </span></div><div class="h-h-title hhright hh-next"><h3>Head To Head Comparison Between Merger vs Amalgamation (Infographics)</h3></div></div>
My question is, can I achieve the same style for my h2 tags solely through CSS? If so, could you provide some sample code for accomplishing this?