enhancing the appearance of a controller/modal with personalized design influences

It has been a long time since I last worked with Angular, especially an older version like 1.2. However, I am confident that what I need can be achieved (hopefully I'm not mistaken). Below is the current code I have, and all I need to do is add a property for a CSS stylesheet, or maybe even include my CSS within quotes - either way works for me.

 $scope.callxyz = function() {
        var modalInstance = $modal.open({
            templateUrl : 'views/xyz.html',
            scope       : $scope
        $rootScope.creditCardModal = modalInstance;

Answer №1

To style the modal using CSS, simply include your CSS file just like you would with any other part of your app:

<!-- include in your page -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mystyle.css">
  .modal { 
    /* your styles */ 

Make sure to use the correct selectors and understand your modal library's structure to style it accordingly.

The process is similar for styling components in AngularJS - there's no special method for adding CSS.

If you are using an older version of Angular UI Bootstrap, you can customize the modal by examining its templates and targeting classes in your CSS.

To pass a string to the modal controller, use resolves:

var modalInstance = $modal.open({
        templateUrl : 'views/xyz.html',
        scope       : $scope,
        resolve: {
          css: function () {
            return "some CSS as a string";

In the controller, access the injected CSS dependency like this:

.controller('ModalInstanceCtrl', function ($uibModalInstance, css) {
  console.log(css)  // "some CSS as a string"

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