Enhancing Online Presence with Video Gallery Website Development

I'm in the process of creating a website and need help finalizing my video page. I envision a layout similar to this example: https://i.stack.imgur.com/hctui.gif

The main feature should be a large video placeholder at the top, followed by several thumbnail images below.

When users click on one of the thumbnails, I want the corresponding video to load in the larger space above. While I am comfortable with HTML and CSS for the design aspect, I am unsure about the PHP or JavaScript needed to make this functionality work. What approach should I take? After searching online for a solution without success, I'm hesitant to rely on WordPress plugins for creating video galleries.

If anyone has any advice on how to achieve this, I would greatly appreciate it.

edit: Just to clarify, I will be embedding YouTube videos rather than hosting them myself.

Answer №1

A simple and efficient method is to utilize the YouTube embed code and then switch out the src attribute:



<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/tXoyQssMwMM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<a class="another" href="https://www.youtube.com/embed/mKCRPJcOp90">Time Travel Stories</a>
<a class="another" href="https://www.youtube.com/embed/o_JZbQao6jo">Skate</a>

Javascript (using jQuery):

$(".another").on("click", function(e) {
    $("iframe").eq(0).attr("src", $(this).attr("href"));

Answer №2

Here is the information you requested:

Check out this demo: http://codepen.io/techsin/full/EjrqVz/

View the code at: http://codepen.io/techsin/pen/EjrqVz

$('#vids .thumb').click(function(){
  $('#mainVid video').attr('src',$(this).data('url')).get(0).play() 

The video element has a default play method which allows you to easily run a video by invoking that method.

In my code, I utilize a jquery selector to get the native element and then call the native method play. Jquery does not currently have a built-in play method for videos or sounds.

The functionality of the code involves replacing the src url of the video element in order to initiate playback. This is similar to changing an image source without altering the actual image element itself.

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