Enhancing a character's appearance with custom CSS styling

In my code, I want to highlight a single character throughout the page.

I want the lines between each word to be a different color from the rest of the text using CSS, without having to add span tags to each one individually.

Anti-virus End Point | Disk Encryption | UTM | Email and Web Security

Is this achievable through CSS?

Here is my attempt so far, but it's not working as expected:

  | {

Answer №1

To stylize the vertical bar character, simply enclose each one with a span element that has a custom class:

<span class="bar">|</span>

.bar {
    background-color: #00FF00;

Answer №2

To enhance the text without altering the separators, one approach is to wrap the text (excluding separators) in <span/> tags and utilize the :after pseudo-element to add the separator.

It's essential to specify that the last element does not require a separator:


<div class="separator">
    <span>Anti-virus End Point</span>
    <span>Disk Encryption</span>
    <span>Email and Web Security</span>

CSS Styles:

.separator > span:not(:nth-last-child(1)):after {
    content: ' | ';

Live Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/j9kZS/1/

Answer №3

In my opinion, there isn't a straightforward CSS-only solution for this issue. However, if you're utilizing jQuery, the highlight plugin could be a convenient option to consider:

Answer №4

check this out



 .rule {


test <span class="line">|</span> test

Answer №5

Here is an alternative approach using only javascript:

        background-color: #FFFF00;
<div id="output"></div>
        var text = "Data Encryption | Network Security | Firewall Protection";
        text = text.split('|').join('<span class="highlight">|</span>');
        document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = text;

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