width restriction to only accommodate on two lines

Whether my text is short or long, I always want to ensure that it remains within two lines by defining the width of my div.

Short Text

| Short text goes here |
| Short text goes here |

Long Text

| Long text goes here long text goes here long |
| text goes here long text goes here long text |

Therefore, regardless of the length of the text, I aim to keep it within two lines in terms of width. Is there a way to achieve this using CSS, or would jQuery be a better option?

Answer №1

Custom JavaScript Demo


.double-lines {
    background-color: yellow;
    display: inline-block;
    white-space: nowrap;
.double-lines.wrapped {
    white-space: normal;


$(".double-lines").each(function () {
    var $width = $(this).width();
    $(this).width($width / 2)

Edit: This is a more precise method

Upgraded JavaScript Demo

$(".double-lines").each(function () {
    var $lines = $(this).height() / parseInt($(this).css("lineHeight"));

    while (($lines > 2) || ($(this)[0].scrollWidth > $(this).width())) {
        $lines = $(this).height() / parseInt($(this).css("lineHeight"));

Answer №2

Instead of using a single tag, you can achieve the desired result by making some modifications to the source code:

    <p>long text goes here long text goes here long text goes #</p>
    <p>long text goes here long text goes here long text goes</p>

    div > p {

This approach will ensure that both lines remain on one line without setting a specific width for your div element.

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