Enhance Prime-ng dropdown child elements with customized styling

Currently, I am attempting to apply styles to elements within a PrimeNG dropdown. These particular styles are associated with child elements nested within the p-dropdown tag, and I am unsure of the proper method to target them. Below is a snippet of the code, featuring only relevant information:

<p-dropdown _ngcontent-c12="" id="src" placeholder="Please select" class="ng-tns-c19-2 ng-untouched ng-pristine ng-valid ui-inputwrapper-filled" ng-reflect-placeholder="Please select" ng-reflect-options="[object Object],[object Object" ng-reflect-model="4">
    <div class="ng-tns-c19-2 ui-dropdown ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-helper-clearfix" ng-reflect-ng-class="[object Object]" style="width: 246px;">

My goal is to customize the content inside the div element encapsulated within the p-dropdown container. Interestingly, this particular div does not appear in my HTML code but is created by default when using the p-dropdown component.

Answer №1

To customize the appearance of a dropdown list using the p-dropdown selector, simply add the ::ng-deep pseudo-class followed by the desired class/selector for styling.

Here's an example to change the color of the list content:

p-dropdown ::ng-deep  .mat-list-item-content{
  color: blue;

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