Enhance Bootstrap modals by automatically adjusting the background shadow mask when resizing or changing the content within the modal window

Incorporated within my bootstrap modal window is a form alongside a link that triggers the jQuery functionality of .slideToggle(). By interacting with this link, a concealed div expands. Consequently, the size of the modal popover becomes fluid. Upon clicking the link, the following display pattern unfolds:

The default shadow in dark grey represents the Bootstrap modal background. Within this backdrop, there exists a white box containing text, which serves as my modal popover. The light grey area symbolizes the original background shade for reference.

My objective pertains to adjusting the magnitude of the Bootstrap modal background shadow so that it spans the entire view even amidst alterations in modal size.

Is there a straightforward method to accomplish this task?

Within my setup, I leverage Rails, and the HTML (HAML) and JS implementations are notably concise:

= link_to "#", "Click me to toggle",  id: "toggle"

# JS
$("#toggle").click ->

Answer №1

This problem was resolved using the following piece of Javascript (CoffeeScript):

$("#toggle").click ->
  $(".my-div").slideToggle(400, updateModalBackground)

updateModalBackground = ->
  modalHeightValue = $('.modal-body').height() + $('.modal-header').height() + $('.modal-footer').height() + 205

  windowHeight = $(window).height()

  if modalHeightValue < windowHeight
    modalHeightValue = windowHeight

  modalHeightString = modalHeightValue + 'px'
  $(".modal-backdrop").css('height': modalHeightString)

Answer №2

Dealing with a similar issue? Give .handleUpdate() a shot on your modal window post content update
A workaround that worked for me can be found here

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