"Enhance an image's focus by centering and zooming in on it with the click

I created a custom jQuery function to implement image zoom functionality. The code starts by hiding all images and ends by zooming the current image. In between, there is logic written to display the image in the center of the screen. However, the code is not working as expected. Can anyone offer assistance?

     $("img").animate({opacity: "0.001", left: '0px'})

     var imgPosX = ( $(window).width() - $("this").width() )/2; 
     var imgPosY = ( $(window).height() - $("this").height() )/2; 

     $(this).css({"top": imgPosY+"px", "left": imgPosX+"px"}); 
     $(this).animate({opacity:"1", zoom: '150%'}, 'medium');},

Answer №1

Get rid of the "s that are around this:

 var imgPosX = ( $(window).width() - $(this).width() )/2;
 var imgPosY = ( $(window).height() - $(this).height() )/2;

The this is a reserved word in JavaScript, not a string.

Answer №2

My recommendation would be to consider utilizing a jQuery plugin as they offer a wide range of features and are easily accessible. Check out this demo for a potential option. One benefit is the ability to incorporate thumbnails and load full-size images on hover, which prevents the need to download all large images simultaneously.

Answer №3

Consider using margin-left and margin-right instead of adjusting top and left properties.

Answer №4

check out this functional DEMO


    $("img").css({opacity: "0.001", left: '0px'});

    objthis= $("img").eq(0);
     var imgPosX = ( $(window).width() - objthis.width() )/2; 
     var imgPosY = ( $(window).height() - objthis.height() )/2; 

     objthis.css({"position":"relative","top": imgPosY+"px", "left": imgPosX+"px"}); 
     objthis.animate({opacity:"1", zoom: '150%'}, 'medium'); 

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