Encountering a problem while attempting to save a scss file in Visual Studio Code

As a beginner in using sass, I decided to utilize the node-sass NPM package for compiling scss files into CSS format.

Upon saving the file, I encountered the following error:

  "status": 3,
  "message": "Internal Error: File to read not found or unreadable: D:/WEB Development/Advanced Html and css practice/My Portfolio/scss/main.scss",
  "formatted": "Internal Error: File to read not found or unreadable: D:/WEB Development/Advanced Html and css practice/My Portfolio/scss/main.scss\n"

Interestingly, this error only occurs intermittently. Other times, the file compiles without any issues, like the example below:

Rendering Complete, saving .css file...
Wrote CSS to D:\WEB Development\Advanced Html and css practice\My Portfolio\dist\css\main.css

This is a snippet of my package.json:

In addition, here's the error message displayed in my terminal:

If anyone could offer assistance with this problem, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!

Answer â„–1

Encountered a similar issue, which could possibly be due to the way folders are named.

  1. Attempt deleting the file and creating a new one directly from the editor.
  2. Eliminate spaces and dashes from all folder names along the path.
  3. Consider shortening the full path by reducing the length of the folder names.

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