Empty HTML elements

Is there a way to create empty HTML tags, meaning tags that have no predefined styling or effect on the enclosed content or its environment? For example, <p> creates a paragraph, <b> makes text bold, and <div> forms a container. I am in search of a tag that essentially does nothing so I can customize it using CSS or JavaScript to achieve my desired look.

I am <x class="FancyText">king</x> of the world.

Answer №1

There are no actual "blank HTML tags" per se. The closest options would be span and div, but the latter automatically creates line breaks before and after (block rendering) by default and cannot be used in inline contexts. The former, on the other hand, does not allow any block-level elements inside it.

One workaround is using a custom element like <foo>...</foo>, but this may present issues with older versions of IE. It is generally considered a suboptimal solution; it's better to use span or div with a class attribute as needed.

Instead of focusing on fictional HTML tags that serve no purpose, it's advisable to clarify your ultimate goal and how you intend to achieve it.

Answer №2

To accomplish this task, you can utilize either the div or span element. As stated in the HTML5 editor's draft:

The div element doesn't carry any specific meaning. It simply represents its children.

In a similar vein, the span element lacks inherent significance. Its purpose is to represent its children.

It should be noted that the div element is ideal for situations where flow content is anticipated (such as sections on a webpage), while the span element is more suitable for instances where phrasing content is expected (typically within text).

Based on the example provided, the appropriate choice would be the span element:

I am <span class="FancyText">king</span> of the world.

Answer №3

If you are looking to utilize <x ...> txt </x> as a temporary marker, then any set of characters that are not officially used will work perfectly.

Answer №4

Here are a couple of options:


Without a class or ID, this won't have any effect.


<article>Some content</article>

Again, without a class or ID, this won't do anything either.

Answer №5

My preferred method is using the HTML tag <a> ... </a>.

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