Emojis representing flags displayed on screen

Is there an option to display a flag icon?

For example, I am able to write

Hello 👋

with a winking hand emoji.

When I try to copy the flag emoji, I end up with


instead of

Any ideas on how this can be done? Thanks in advance!

Answer â„–1

I created a demonstration of how you can seamlessly incorporate this feature into your website

The special keyword to display the emoticon is: [bgflag]

Using the flag provided in your post, I designed this emoticon with a size of 16x16px

Responding to feedback from @Niet the Dark Absol regarding replacing information site-wide, I have made an adjustment to the code. The replacement will now only affect content within the DIV element id="comments"

var emoji = '<img src="...'>
<div id="comments">
    Lorem ipsum dolor [bgflag] sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quod, fuga totam! Ipsum nihil possimus quidem
    voluptates illo porro consequuntur libero quisquam dolor aliquid! Neque commodi [bgflag] ipsa vel beatae,

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