Eliminate the unnecessary gap below the image

I have noticed that there is too much space beneath an image on my website. I have tried checking for extra
tags, but I suspect that it might be controlled in a css file. Could someone please help me identify which part of the css is causing this extra space?

The image can be found at: images/artikelen/123.png

This snippet of HTML code leads to the css containers where I believe the margins are defined. The image is currently placed within a table, although I know this is not necessary.

The image is located within a joomla module called showcase 2

<div id="showcase-surround">
                <div id="showcase" class="png"><div id="showcase2" class="png"><div id="showcase3" class="png">
                    <div class="showcase-inner">
                        <div id="showmodules" class="spacer">
                                <div class="block full" style="width: 1004px;">
                                    <div class="module-light">

                                        <div id="row1-block2" class="row"><div class="move-handle"></div><div class="body-surround-top"><div class="body-surround-top2"><div class="body-surround-top3"></div></div></div>
    <div class="body-surround"><div class="body-surround2"><div class="body-surround3"> 

    <div class=" showcase2:82">
        <div class="moduletable">
                        <a href="/Contact-Formulier/Friese-Computer-Service.html" target="_self" title="Friese Computer Service - Computerhulp en PC probleem snel opgelost"> </a> 
<table align="center" border="0">
<td><a href="/Contact-Formulier/Friese-Computer-Service.html" target="_self" title="Friese Computer Service - Computerhulp en PC probleem snel opgelost"> <img style="text-align: center;" src="/images/artikelen/123.png" /></a><a href="/Contact-Formulier/Friese-Computer-Service.html" target="_self" title="Friese Computer Service - Computerhulp en PC probleem snel opgelost"> </a></td>


Answer №1

To uncover the solution, utilize Firefox browser along with its DOM Inspector Tool. Is this snippet of code derived from ? (I stumbled upon it when searching for 'Friese Computer Service - Computerhulp en PC probleem' :) ) If affirmative, then within your , you will discover:

   marging-bottom: 15px;

Simply eliminate the margin-bottom and your task is complete.

Answer №2

It can be challenging to understand the situation without seeing the CSS code, but you might want to include the following in your stylesheet:

.container img { display: block; }

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