How can we ensure that the borders of a text field automatically adjust to fit the dimensions of the text field using CSS?

I've encountered an issue with the borders of text fields while working on a project involving CSS/HTML. The problem is that in the browser, the borders appear shorter than the text fields.

Initially, I attempted to adjust the border size to match the text field, which seemed to work. However, upon testing it on a larger screen using Internet Explorer (IE), the same problem reappeared.

Below is a snippet of my code:

  <td>First Name</td>
    <div style="border:4px #26a570 solid;
      <input type="text" name="txtFirst" id="txtFirst" />

I am looking for a solution where the border automatically scales to match the size of the text box across all browsers and screens.

Answer №1

To start, as mentioned by @Nimsrules, place the border around the input field. Next, utilize a viewport to ensure scalability. The viewport should be included in the head section of your code. Instead of using percentages, consider utilizing vw for width and vh for height.

For example:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

    <td>First Name
    <input type="text" name="txtFirst" id="txtFirst" style="border:4px #26a570 solid;background-color:white; width:37.5vw; height:15vh"/>

Check out this Fiddle

For more information on viewports, you can visit this link.

It's advisable to avoid inline CSS and opt for a separate CSS file instead. This resource provides insights on why inline CSS is not recommended: this article.

Answer №2

To fix the issue, adjust the styling on the input element.

The reason it's not working is because you also have set width:37.5%; on the parent element.


  <td>First Name
  <input style="width: 200px; border:4px #26a570 solid;background-color:white; height:15%" type="text" name="txtFirst" id="txtFirst" />

Answer №3

Applying a border to the input field can be tested on Internet Explorer.

If it doesn't seem to be working, consider removing the current border CSS properties, such as

border-color: grey;


border-style: solid;

Instead of using a single tag for styling, giving this method a try might yield better results.

Fingers crossed for success!

Answer №4

Greetings! It's not recommended to use inline styles as they can make editing a hassle. It's better to create a class and define the styles in your CSS file instead :)

Take a look at your HTML structure below:

    <td>First Name</td>
          <input class="input-wrapper" type="text" name="FirstName" />

Here are the corresponding CSS styles:

  border:5px solid green;

And lastly, see the difference with an INLINE style included:

<input style="border:5px solid green;" type="text" name="FirstName" />

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