Eliminate the excess padding from the Material UI textbox

I've been struggling to eliminate the padding from a textbox, but I'm facing an issue with Material UI.

Even after setting padding to 0 for all classes, the padding persists.

Could someone provide guidance on how to successfully remove this padding?

.MuiOutlinedInput-input-1708 {
    padding: 18.5px 14px;

Below is my code snippet and a link to the sandbox:


cssLabel: {
    "&$cssFocused": {
      color: { borderColor: "red", padding: 0 }
  cssFocused: { borderColor: "red", padding: 0 },
  cssUnderline: {
    "&:after": {
      borderBottomColor: "red",
      padding: 0
  cssOutlinedInput: {
    "& $notchedOutline": {
      borderColor: "red",
      padding: 0

    "&$cssFocused $notchedOutline": {
      borderColor: "green",
      padding: 0

  notchedOutline: { borderColor: "red", padding: 0 },

Answer №1

For those who take the time to peruse the documentation, the inputProps property, not InputProps, can be found. This property allows for the application of attributes to the native input element. An example below demonstrates how a style attribute can be passed.

       style: {
         padding: 5

Answer №2

If you happen to come across this in the year 2022 (using @mui/material), I encountered a different issue with the top answer not working for me when using varient="outline". It turns out that simply removing the input padding did not align the label correctly.

To solve this, I found success in adding the size="small" prop to the TextField component. So, your code would look like this:


Unfortunately, this solution does not provide a way to adjust the padding size directly. However, delving into the source code may offer insights on how to achieve this customization.

Answer №3

If you're looking for a solution, try creating a specialized class and overriding the styles of the material text field. This will make it more versatile and reusable.

For an example, check out this link: https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-textfield-without-padding

Note: I've added a 5px padding in the example for better appearance, but feel free to customize it without any padding.

Helpful resources:

Answer №4

The answer to customizing MaterialUI textfield can be found here: How to style MaterialUI textfield

You can customize TextField by passing a className to it, as well as using InputProps

<TextField multiline={true} variant="outlined" rowsMax={10} placeholder="Notes" className={classes.formInput}
            InputProps={{ classes: { input: classes.formAreaInput } }} fullWidth onChange={this.handleNotesInput} />

Answer №5

I stumbled upon a helpful solution on this website: https://material-ui.com/customization/overrides/

const styles = theme => ({
  noPadding: {
    padding: 0

// additional code  

const { classes } = this.props;

// more code 

  classes={{input: classes.noPadding}}

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