Eliminate the empty choice for Angular when dealing with dynamic option objects

Looking for assistance with this code snippet:

<select ng-model='item.data.choice' >
  <option ng-if='item.data.simple_allow_blank == false' ng-show='choice.name' ng-repeat='choice in item.data.simple_choices' value="{{choice.name}}" ng-disabled="$parent.controllerAction == 'show'">{{choice.name}}</option>

The code displays 3 choices specified by the system administrator in a dropdown menu, excluding any blank options.

The issue arises when I try to set a default value (e.g. choice[0]) as it results in an extra blank option being included.

I attempted to follow advice provided in this Stack Overflow question on switching from ng-repeat to ng-options.

In my case, despite having a dynamic list of choices including 1, 2, 3, and a blank option, removing the blank proved challenging while ensuring an initial default value was selected. Using ng-options introduced the unwanted blank entry each time a new list was generated, while reverting to ng-repeat removed the Blank option but lacked the ability to set an initial value from the dynamic list.

Although I can assign a default value, eliminating the blank option remains elusive. Any insight or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Answer №1

In order to manipulate data in a JavaScript file, you'll need to filter the information and create a new array that can be displayed on an HTML page. For example, if you're fetching data stored in the variable **item.data.simple_choices** (as indicated in your ng-repeat directive), you can achieve this using the following function:

var data = item.data.simple_choices;
var filteredArray = [];

Answer №2

After spending hours researching online and going through numerous trial and error attempts, I finally managed to find the correct solution.

<select ng-model='model'>
        <!-- this is how you properly bind it -->
          <option ng-show='choice.name'  ng-repeat='choice in object' value="{{choice.name}}" ng-selected='model = object[0].name'>{{choice.name}}</option>

The code may seem straightforward, but this structure proves to be useful because 'object' holds the values of the list. As seen, I assigned it to the 'model' variable since 'model' is the variable used in the view. The [0] signifies the index number within the list. You can choose between using 'value' or 'name' based on the parameters present in the object.

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