Eliminate billing information from the Woocommerce order management page on the backend

Is there a way to modify the text "Paid on" in the backend order details page of WooCommerce? I have already implemented this for BACS and local pickup payment methods.

Replace a specific word for BACS payment method in Woocommerce order edit pages

I am looking for a solution to hide the "Paid on" message when the shop manager changes the status back to "wait for payment" after setting it to "processing" where payment details are displayed.

Attached Image: Even though Order status is Deleted, it still shows payment details from the Completed status that was set previously.

Thank you


I have blacked out some fields to protect customer information while sharing the screenshot :D

To better understand the issue, here is the replication process:

  • Customer places an order
  • Order initially has a custom status called "Verifying Stock"
  • Shop manager checks stock availability and changes the status to "Wait for payment" (BACS or local payment at local pickup)
  • Upon changing the status to "Processing", the header displays payment information like "Paid on" and "IP: ..."
  • If the shop manager reverts to a previous status like "wait for payment" from "processing", the "paid on" information remains unchanged and cannot be removed or updated again.

I need a solution to remove these details if the order status is different from processing or completed order status.


Answer №1

After reviewing the provided screenshot, I have successfully implemented the necessary logic for you.

To temporarily hide billing, shipping address, and IP address, you can utilize the following code snippet:

add_action( 'woocommerce_admin_order_data_after_order_details', 'hide_custom_details' );
function hide_custom_details($order) { 
  $status = array('processing','completed','refunded','cancelled');
  $order_status = $order->get_status();
  if(!in_array($order_status, $status)) { 
     #order_data .order_data_column:nth-child(2),
     #order_data .order_data_column:nth-child(3),
     #order_data .woocommerce-order-data__meta.order_number .woocommerce-Order-customerIP{ 
           display: none !important 
 <?php } 

If you need to make further updates, simply inspect (ctrl+shift+i) and copy the class/id that you wish to hide, then paste it into the provided CSS.

If you want the admin to have visibility into every detail, add ""!is_admin() &&"" inside the if condition as indicated in the commented section.

You also have the flexibility to modify the status according to your requirements.

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