Elements of <nav> within a <footer> section

I've recently started using HTML5 display elements like header, footer, and nav. While reading about the nav element in particular, I found this interesting information in the HTML5 spec:

The nav element is primarily intended for major navigation blocks on a page. However, not all groups of links need to be within a nav element. For example, footers often have a short list of links such as terms of service, home page, and copyright page. In these cases, the footer element alone is sufficient and using a nav element is usually unnecessary.

Why can't we use nav elements in a footer? Many websites actually have substantial navigation menus in their footers, like StackOverflow with a bigger nav menu in its footer than in its header!

If I choose to include a nav element in a footer, will my site fail HTML5 validation? Or is it just a recommendation from W3C?

Answer №1

Take another look at the text, it clearly states that while it's not prohibited, it is strongly advised against.

One possible explanation for this recommendation is that these additional elements were implemented to enhance the semantic structure of the content, potentially boosting the visibility and relevance of the primary navigation element (possibly for SEO purposes).

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