Dynamically showing a div using JavaScript and AJAX after changing the window location

After successfully fetching data from the server through AJAX, I am redirecting to the same screen/URL. Is it possible to show/display a div after redirecting using jQuery?

    type: "POST",
    url: action,
    data: form_data,
    success: function (response) {
        if (response.status == 'undone') {

        if (response.status == 'done') {
            window.location = '/accounts/email/';



<div class="alert alert-error hide show_this">
    <li>Saved Email successfully </li>

Answer №1

If you want to pass information during a redirection, one method is to add a query string to the URL. Since this results in a new server request, the current context cannot be maintained. Therefore, an alternative way is needed to transmit the message.

Here is an example:

window.location = '/orders/status/?confirmed=true';

Subsequently, the relevant processing can be done on the server side. If the parameter "confirmed" is present and set to true, display the corresponding HTML content or execute the following script:


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