Dynamic row addition in Material Design Lite table causes format to break

Here's the HTML markup for creating a checkbox using material-design-lite:

<label class="mdl-checkbox mdl-js-checkbox mdl-js-ripple-effect" for="checkbox">
  <input type="checkbox" id="checkbox" class="mdl-checkbox__input" />
  <span class="mdl-checkbox__label">Checkbox</span>

The issue is that the label's for attribute is tied to the input's id.

This presents a problem when adding a new checkbox dynamically, as you would need to assign a new id. But figuring out which id to use can become problematic, especially if these checkboxes are being added to a database later on.

For a working example, check out this link:


Take note of the checkboxes for any new tasks you add

Answer №1

To enhance the element, it is advisable to use componentHandler.upgradeDom() over


Visit this link for reference

Answer №2

Upon loading the page, Material Design Lite will automatically render elements with MDL classes. However, if you are dynamically creating DOM elements, you must register new elements using the upgradeElement function.

If you want to upgrade all elements, you can use this code:


Learn more about dynamic elements in MDL

Explore how the Component Handler functions

Answer №3

When approaching this issue, I decided to create a component for it. You can find the working one here, written in coffeescript and jade.

The key is to use

. However, I noticed that this alone was not sufficient as it did not add the ripple effect, so you also need to upgrade the lastChild. It's important to understand the difference between
, which, if my memory serves me right, traverse deeply into the DOM.

In regards to the issue with the id, my recommendation is to utilize the $index instead. I have updated the codepen to address this problem, and I am available to assist you further with styling the checkbox (even though it wasn't the initial question).


Answer №4

After inserting the checkbox into the DOM, make sure to call

. I am not well-versed in vue.js, so unfortunately, I cannot provide the exact code modification needed. However, this informative resource may have the solution you're looking for.

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