Dynamic navigation menu shifting when bolded

Looking at my menu, you'll notice the following layout:

If one clicks on Recruitment in the menu, it correctly bolds the text as intended. However, an issue arises where the entire menu unexpectedly shifts 1 or 2px to the left. The menu is implemented using DNNnav.

Answer №1

Using bolder fonts can take up additional space. To prevent menus from shifting when hovered over, specify a fixed width for each menu item using width: 100px;. This way, the size will remain consistent at 100px regardless of its content.

Best of luck!

P.S. If necessary, feel free to adjust the width beyond 100px.

Answer №2

Reviewing your code on jsFiddles can be challenging, but consider setting a specific width in pixels for your 'span.txt' element like this: span.txt{ width:100px;} Alternatively, using min-width may also provide a solution: span.txt{ min-width:100px;}

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