Dynamic change of table cell text color based on condition utilizing ng-if and ng-style

I am looking to create a table cell with alternating color combinations based on specific conditions. Here is the code snippet:

<tr ng-repeat="x in data">
<span ng-if="((x.time2 < x.time1) ||  (x.time2 < x.time3))" ng-style="color:red" {{x.val}}></span>
<span ng-if="((x.time2 === x.time1) &&  (x.time2 === x.time3)" ng-style="color:blue" {{x.val}}></span>

However, I'm facing an issue where the value is not displaying in red even though x.time2 is less than x.time1. Sample time values are time1="2017-03-15 06:06:56", time2="2017-03-08 07:09:40" and time3="2017-03-08 07:09:40". All time values are in string format.

Answer №1

Consider updating your code in the following manner:

            <tr ng-repeat="y in info">
            <span ng-if="y.time4 < y.time5 || y.time4 < y.time6" ng-style="{color: 'red'}" >{{y.value}}</span>
            <span ng-if="y.time4 === y.time5 && y.time4 === y.time6" ng-style="{color: 'blue'}" >{{y.value}}</span>

I have also adjusted the placement of y.value within span... It is uncertain if this was an oversight or intentional.

Answer №2

Example of HTML:

 <td [ngClass]="((x.time2 < x.time1) ||  (x.time2 < x.time3))?'red': (x.time2 === x.time1) &&  (x.time2 === x.time3)?'green':'black'" >

Demonstration of CSS classes:

.red {
  color: red;

.green {
  color: green;

  color: black;

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