Div with fixed positioning experiencing glitching until reaching a specific height

I've been struggling to resolve an issue with a script that is supposed to scroll down with the page and stop at a specific height. However, right before it reaches the desired point, it temporarily disappears and then reappears.

For reference, here's the code snippet:

$(document).scroll(function () {
    var y = $(this).scrollTop();

    if (y > 280 && y < 1600) {
    } else if (y >= 1601) {
    } else {
        $('#model').removeAttr( 'style' );
        $('#icons').removeAttr( 'style' );
        $('#icons').removeAttr( 'style' );

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

The glitch you mentioned may be the result of one of two situations:

  1. If your scrollTop value falls between 280 and 1599 (< 1600), with a value >= 1601, there will be an empty space at the scrollTop position 1600.
  2. As you scroll from bottom to top, if the top value of the #model div is not reset to its original state (0), it may extend beyond its container boundaries.

To resolve this issue, make the following adjustments in your code:

if (y > 280 && y < 1600) {
    $('#model').css('top', 0);          // include this rule
} else if (y >= 1600) {                 // update condition to cover values greater than or equal to 1600

View JSFiddle Demo.

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