Does the width of a div with an absolute position rely on the width of its parent element?

Is it possible to have a div with absolute position adjust its width based on its content rather than its parent's width? For example,

<div style="position:absolute">
 <div style="position:absolute">
  <div style="position:absolute">Div in Div</div>

When this structure is used, word wrap occurs as shown in this example.

It appears that the inner div's width is dependent on its parent's width, even though its position is set to absolute. If a width is specified for the parent, there will be no word wrap as seen in this example.

However, I am unable to predetermine the parent's width -- ultimately, the width should depend on its children. Additionally, absolute positioning must be used. Is there a way to achieve this using pure CSS?

The purpose behind this experimentation is not for design purposes, but rather to explore if absolute positioning can provide a solution to complex layout challenges. Unfortunately, this issue may hinder the idea of solely relying on absolute positioning for versatile and intricate layouts.

Answer №1

Before being taken out of the document flow, the element's width and height are determined. When an outside element is positioned absolutely, it no longer affects the flow and because it lacks content, its width and height are 0. This means that any nested division element inside it will inherit the parent's zero width, causing text to only stretch as far as the longest word before breaking onto new lines. Once this process is complete, the element is removed from the document flow entirely.

To address your first question, it is true that an absolutely positioned element will consider its parent's dimensions if a width and/or height are not specified for the element itself. Have you established what the width of your children should be?

In response to your second question, using white-space: nowrap is one possibility, although not ideal. It would be preferable to reorganize the content in a way that eliminates the need for three nested absolute elements. You mentioned that using them is necessary, but have you explored alternative approaches? Perhaps there is a better solution waiting to be discovered.

Answer №2

When a block level element has the CSS property position: absolute or fixed, it will automatically inherit its parent's width if no specific width is set. To avoid this and allow the child element to have a dynamic width, you can use a workaround by giving it a large negative margin-right, for example:

.inner-div {
    position: absolute;
    margin-right: -10000px;

This way, the child element's width will be based on the parent's width minus the negative margin, allowing it to adjust dynamically based on its content.

Check out the updated code example here:

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