Do I need to have the "firequery" extension installed if I am using jQuery in my projects?

Is it recommended to keep "firequery" installed when using jQuery in projects?

Can this tool be beneficial for development?

Answer №1

Firequery enhances the user experience

  • jQuery expressions are visually enhanced in Firebug Console and DOM inspector
  • attached jQuery data is prioritized
  • elements in jQuery collections are easily identifiable on hover
  • jQuerify: inject jQuery into any page with ease

If you find these features useful, it's recommended to keep them enabled. There are no drawbacks to doing so.

Answer №2

Enhance your Chrome Console experience by effortlessly integrating jQuery with this convenient extension. Easily determine if jQuery is already embedded on the page.

This handy tool allows you to inject jQuery into any webpage of your choice, enabling its use within the console shell (accessed by pressing "Ctrl+Shift+j").

Simply click on the extension button to embed jQuery into the selected tab.

Check out the extension here:

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