Divs that overlap and share the same font may exhibit variations in letter spacing

In my design, I have a div that overlays another div with the exact same offsets and font properties. The upper div has a transparent background and typically covers the text of the underlying div.

However, I recently noticed an issue with my script where after inserting text, the alignment was off. After some troubleshooting, I discovered a peculiar bug: whenever there is a space followed by a capital A or Y, or a capital A, L, P, or Y followed by a space, the text in the underlying div shifts slightly to the left each time one of these cases occur.

Is this a known bug? Or perhaps it's not a bug at all? How can I address this issue?

Thank you in advance for any help!

Answer №1

Great news! I managed to find the solution on my own. It looks like the issue arises when one div is set as contenteditable while the other is not. By making both divs editable, the problem is resolved.

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