Newbie inquiry: How to utilize classes in HTML for CSS implementation?

I'm a beginner in the world of HTML and I have what might be considered as a basic question... Here is the style definition for my header in the CSS file:

h1.heading {
    color: indianred;

I attempted to link it to my HTML file like this, but unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be working as expected

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">

<h1> BeeHaven Apiaries </h1> 

Answer №1

Your code is experiencing an issue due to the misconfiguration of your HTML and CSS selectors.

The problem lies in the absence of a class attribute within your h1 tag.

<h1 class="heading">Heading!</h1>

This oversight is causing a discrepancy as your CSS references it with .heading.

h1.heading {
  color: indianred;

In essence, your CSS is designed to target elements that are both h1 and possess a class (.) of heading.

This corrected snippet showcases the functional code.

h1.heading {
  color: indianred;
<h1 class="heading">BeeHaven Apiaries</h1>

An alternate solution involves adjusting the CSS rather than modifying the HTML.

To rectify this, eliminate the class selector in the CSS to only target h1 tags.

h1 {
  color: indianred;

Warning! Exercise caution when opting for this method, as all h1 tags will inherit the specified styles from the CSS.

The finalized code should resemble the following.

h1 {
  color: indianred;
<h1>BeeHaven Apiaries</h1>

To summarize, there are two solutions available to rectify the issue.

The initial one entails editing the HTML by incorporating a class attribute for proper identification by the CSS.

The secondary option requires adjusting the CSS to encompass all instances of h1 tags throughout the HTML document.

Answer №2

Give this a try:

<!-- HTML -->
<h1> Buzzworthy Apiaries </h1> 

/* CSS */
h1 {
    color: crimson;


<!-- HTML -->
<h1 class = "title"> Buzzworthy Apiaries </h1> 

/* CSS */
h1.title {
    color: crimson;

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