Div element remains fixed in width while zooming in

I'm encountering an issue with a centered div, where the width is set to 50% and the max-width is set to 100%. When I zoom in, the width remains constant but the height increases. Despite setting the max-width to 100%, why does this occur? And most importantly, how can I rectify it? Thank you.

#outer {
border-radius: 10px;
background-color: #F5F5F5;
border: 1px dotted black;
width: 50%;
max-width: 100%;
margin: auto;
margin-top: 1%;

<div id='outer"></div>

P.S: I prefer using percentages instead of pixels.

Answer №1

It seems like I've grasped the concept of what you're looking for. The issue lies in the placement of your <div>.

As you may be aware, a percentage is a relative measurement. Specifically, when using width: 50%, it's relative to the width of its parent.

Situation 1

If the parent's width is set at 100%, then your div's width will always be 50% of that, translating to 50% of the screen, regardless of zoom level.

Situation 2

When the parent div has a fixed width (such as 500px), your div's width will equate to 50% of 500px, which amounts to 250px. This value will shift with changes in zoom level.

You can view examples of both scenarios in this jsfiddle link for better understanding: https://jsfiddle.net/jormaechea/om91sody/

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