The styles within a media query are not being successfully implemented

update: issue resolved. I discovered that there was a lingering media query in the css file that was meant to be removed. Also, I corrected some errors in the code. Thank you all for your help – it's now working perfectly.

I have a set of html and css code that is functioning as expected. However, when I added two media queries in the css file to make some style adjustments, none of the changes from the media queries seem to take effect. Here is the snippet of my media query code:

@media screen and (max-width: 975px){
    body .top_outermost_container {
      width: 976px;
@media screen and (max-height: 485px){
    .bottom_bar {
        top: 445px;
        bottom: auto;

I have shared the entire code here: Your insights are highly appreciated! Cheers. You guys are awesome. Note: To view the page properly, you may need to copy and paste the code into a text editor for better browser rendering quality. THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN!

Answer №1

It seems like the issue you're facing is that you forgot to close off your first @media query. The code

@media screen and (max-width: 975px) and (max-height: 438px){
is missing a "}". The second query won't work because it cannot be nested inside another query. So, around line 228, you need to add a closing "}" just before the
@media screen and (max-width: 975px){
query. However, there are some other issues as well.

The errors appear to be coming from the HTML where you have missed closing tags "

Line 15: <div class="top_contained_container"></div>
Line 39: <div class="bottom_list_container1"></div>
Line 49: <div class="bottom_list2"></div>

You can use a Validation tool like to check for errors.

In your CSS, there are also some errors like extra closing tags "}."

Line 114: body {overflow: hidden;}

You can catch these errors more easily using validation tools like .

Answer №2

It appears that the trailing */ could potentially cause an issue.

Your code syntax seems to be in good shape and should function properly.

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