Displaying an image on a jsp page

In my current JSP, within the HTML section, I have the following:

<%if(size == 1)%>
  <option>None selected</option>
<%if(size > 1)%>

Additionally, I have this image:

<td style="text-align:left">
            <label id="checked" style="color:grey; display:none">
                <img src="images/check.png" width="20px" height="20px"/>

My query pertains to how I can make the image visible only when the "None selected" option is chosen. If '1' is selected, then I do not want the image to appear. How can I achieve this?

Answer №1

If you're facing an issue, this code snippet utilizing JQUERY might be the solution you need.

 $("#selectID or .selectClass").change(function () { //Use either the id or class name for the select element

    var option=$(this).val();
    if(option=="None selected")



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