Display the input button element using only CSS

In order to make a section visible when a checkbox in another section is checked, I would like it to appear with a top-down animation effect. Below is the code snippet for the input located in the other section:

<div className="continue" id="first">
        <button className="btn-continue">
          Hire Plan
          <input type="checkbox" id="reveal-email" role="button"/>


      <section className="plan-section" id="plan-section">
        <div className="next">
          <i class="arrow down"></i>
        <div className="form-block">
          <form className="form">
            <div className="plan-form">
              <div className="input-block">
                <label htmlFor="name">Name</label>
                <input type="text" name="name" id="name" onChange={props.handleChange} required className="input" />

              <div className="continue">
                <button className="btn-continue" id="plan-continue" disabled={props.step.isLast()} onClick={props.next}>
                  <span className="btn-text">Hire Plan</span>
                  <img className="check-btn" src={check} />

It's worth noting that the section I want to reveal initially has a display:none style attribute.

Answer №1

This is a traditional JavaScript task. Implement an onclick event to verify if the checkbox is selected and then modify the section's visibility from display: none to display: block. Additionally, include an onclick event to activate the JavaScript function.

function showSection() {
  var showSection = document.getElementById("reveal-email"),
      planSection = document.getElementById("plan-section");
  if (showSection.checked == true) {
    planSection.style.display = "block";
  } else {
    planSection.style.display = "none";
#plan-section {
  display: none;
<div className="continue" id="first">
  <button className="btn-continue">Contratar Plano
    <input type="checkbox" id="reveal-email" onclick="showSection()">


<section className="plan-section" id="plan-section">
  <div className="next">
    <i class="arrow down"></i>
  <div className="form-block">
    <form className="form">
      <div className="plan-form">
        <div className="input-block">
          <label htmlFor="name">Nome</label>
          <input type="text" name="name" id="name" onChange={props.handleChange} required className="input" />

        <div className="continue">
          <button className="btn-continue" id="plan-continue" disabled={props.step.isLast()} onClick={props.next}>
                  <span className="btn-text">Contratar Plano</span>
                  <img className="check-btn" src={check} />

Answer №2

Here's a suggestion for your code:

<button className="btn-continue">
                    Hire Plan
    <input type="checkbox" id="reveal-email" role="button"></input>

It's not recommended to include a checkbox and text within a button element in HTML. Consider using a label instead.

If you are open to a JavaScript solution, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the checkbox and section elements in the DOM
  2. Add an event listener that will trigger a callback function when the checkbox state changes
  3. In the callback function, adjust the style of the section accordingly

The complete code snippet is provided below:

var checkbox = document.getElementById('reveal-email');
var section = document.getElementById('plan-section');

checkbox.addEventListener('change', onChange)

function onChange() {
  if (this.checked) {
    section.style.display = "block";
  } else {
    section.style.display = "none";
<div className="continue" id="first">
  <button className="btn-continue">
    Hire Plan
    <input type="checkbox" id="reveal-email" role="button"/>

<section className="plan-section" id="plan-section" style="display:none">
  <div className="next">
    <i class="arrow down"></i>
  <div className="form-block">
    <form className="form">
      <div className="plan-form">
        <div className="input-block">
          <label htmlFor="name">Name</label>
          <input type="text" name="name" id="name" onChange={props.handleChange} required className="input" />

        <div className="continue">
          <button className="btn-continue" id="plan-continue" disabled={props.step.isLast()} onClick={props.next}>
            <span className="btn-text">Hire Plan</span>
            <img className="check-btn" src={check} />

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