Display Text Only When Selected - Material-UI

Is there a way to display only the selected tab's text? I came across this code snippet in the MUI documentation that involves showing labels on selection. How can I achieve this effect, maybe by manipulating the state to change the color of the selected element?

Below is the code snippet I have been working on to implement this functionality. As a newcomer to this framework, any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated!

function TabPanel(props) {
    const { children, value, index, ...other } = props;
    return (
        hidden={value !== index}
        {value === index && (
          <Box sx={{ p: 3 }}>
  TabPanel.propTypes = {
    children: PropTypes.node,
    index: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
    value: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
  function a11yProps(index) {
    return {
      id: `vertical-tab-${index}`,
      'aria-controls': `vertical-tabpanel-${index}`,


const JobPostBuild = () => {
    const [value, setValue] = React.useState(0);

    const handleChange = (event, newValue) => {
    return (
        sx={{ flexGrow: 1, bgcolor: 'gray', display: 'flex', height: 500 }} 
        sx={{ borderRight: 1, borderColor: 'divider' }}
        <Tab icon={<WorkIcon/>} label={"Role"} {...a11yProps(0)} />
        <Tab icon={<AccountBoxIcon/>} label="People" {...a11yProps(1)} />
        <Tab icon={<ViewCompactIcon/>} label="Build" {...a11yProps(2)} />
        <Tab icon={<PostAddIcon/>} label="Post" {...a11yProps(3)} />


      <TabPanel value={value} index={0}>
      <TabPanel value={value} index={1}>
      <TabPanel value={value} index={2}>
      <TabPanel value={value} index={3}>


export default JobPostBuild

I am open to discussing this further on Discord, so feel free to reach out!

Answer №1

To determine when to display the tab label, you can use the selected tab's value as a condition:

<Tab label={value === 0 ? "Role" : ""} {...a11yProps(0)} />

Check out the demo here

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