Display flex causing Mui LinearProgress Bar to disappear

Looking for a way to create a unique bullet graph using material UI? How about two MuiLinearProgress bars placed side by side with a vertical Divider in between them. Struggling to get them displayed next to each other?

<div className={classes.bulletGraph}>

Experimented with display flex and inline block on the parent, but ended up with disappearing elements. Any suggestions or alternatives to achieve this layout?

Answer №2

To implement the LinearProgress component using Flexbox, you can follow these steps:

<div style={{ display: "flex", flexDirection: "row" }}>
  style={{ width: "100%", marginRight: "4px" }}
  style={{ width: "100%" }}

By setting the width to 100%, you can prevent the issue of the component disappearing when used with Flexbox. Typically, these styles would be placed in a CSS file, but for simplicity, they are included in a style property here.

You can view this implementation in action here:


Answer №3

Simply apply the flex-grow property to every LinearProgress element when the container is using display: flex:

.progressbar {flex-grow: 1;}

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