"Optimize Magellan Sidebar for Mobile Devices by Relocating it to the Bottom of the Page

After spending a week working with Foundation 5 framework, I'm curious if there is a straightforward way to make my magellan sidebar shift to the bottom of the page when viewed on mobile or tablets.

<div data-magellan-expedition="fixed">
<div class="large-2 columns right" >
<div id="top">
    <h4>Business Cards</h4>

<div id="summary">      

        <td>3.5 * 2</td>

        <td>Qty: 50,000 </td>

        <td>14 Point C2S</td>

        <td>Color Front, Empty Back</td>

        <td>5 Business day turnaround </td>

        <td>5 Business day turnaround </td>

        <td>5 Business day turnaround </td>
   <h5>Your Price:      $64.5</h5>
   <h5>Unit Cost:      $0.323</h5>
   <a href="#" class="small radius success button">Get Started</a>

For reference, you can visit the page here:

Answer №1

Based on my knowledge, there isn't a built-in method in Foundation 5 framework to automatically display an element at the bottom of the page when viewed on mobile devices. To achieve this, you may have to implement custom media queries or utilize JavaScript for client-side checks.

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