Display column header row divider for pinned columns in v5 DataGrid

I'm attempting to customize the appearance of pinned columns in MUI's DataGrid by adding a column header-row divider.

The official demo by MUI for pinned columns [https://codesandbox.io/s/qix39o?file=/demo.tsx] displays the pinned column header without a bottom outline similar to this, but I want it to resemble the header-row divider seen on other non-pinned columns like this (Please note the faint gray divider line near the bottom of the screenshot).

If anyone can provide guidance on which CSS classes and properties to modify, it would be greatly appreciated!

UPDATE: For further clarification, you can view a side-by-side comparison picture here. enter image description here

UPDATE: Success! Please refer to my response below. Any suggestions or feedback are also welcome.

Answer ā„–1

After making some adjustments, I believe the border for the Email section in the center should have a height of 420:

    export default function BasicColumnPinning() {
  return (
    <div style={{ height: 420, width: "100%" }}>
        initialState={{ pinnedColumns: { left: ["name"], right: ["actions"] 

} }}

Previously, the height was set to 400. This adjustment takes care of the header-row divider. For the "tables" and "action" sections, there is a specific border-bottom property on the row below that hides the top border. To fix this, inspect the padding around "Virginia Herr..." in the developer tools and change the border-bottom to simply "border". Hopefully, this solution resolves the issue.

Answer ā„–2

Solved the issue by customizing the borderTop property for the .MuiDataGrid-virtualScroller class. Appreciate all the assistance provided!

const CustomizedColumnPinning = () => {
  return (
    <div style={{ height: 420, width: "100%" }}>
          ".MuiDataGrid-virtualScroller": {
            borderTop: "1px solid rgba(224, 224, 224, 1)"
        initialState={{ pinnedColumns: { left: ["name"], right: ["actions"] } }}

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