Display a pair of distinct items side by side on a webpage

When needing to display information in the format below:

Reason :  reason number 1
          reason number 2
          reason number 3

Code :    code number
Remarks : remark

In this scenario, Reason, Code, and Remarks serve as headings enclosed in <strong> tags, while the values - reason number 1, reason number 2, code number, and remark - are displayed as content.

If an attempt is made to use a <p> tag for the heading, the value automatically moves to a new line. The question arises of how to display them as key-value pairs on a single line without utilizing float, which would be preferable in this case.

Answer №1

Take a look at this method:

Live Demonstration


<table border="1">
    <ng-container *ngFor="let item of list1; let i = index">
            <td> {{list1[i]}}</td>
            <td *ngIf="list2[i].length > 1">
                <li *ngFor="let li of list2[i]">
            <td *ngIf="list2[i].length <= 1">


  list1 = ["Steps to Follow", "Code Explanation"];
  list2 = [["Step 1", "Step 2"], ["The reason code is explained here"]];

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