Insert content into a designated DIV

Progress bars are essential for tracking certain metrics. Take a look at the progress bars below:

<div id="lifeBar-holder">
    <div id="lifeBar"></div>

<div id="discretionBar-holder">
    <div id="discretionBar"></div>

If you examine the CSS, you'll see the styling for these progress bars:

#lifeBar-holder{width:200px;height:15px;background:grey; position:absolute; top:20px; left:30px;}

#discretionBar-holder{width:200px;height:15px;background:grey; position:absolute; top:40px; left:30px;}

For a live demonstration of these progress bars in action, click here.

To enhance these progress bars, I am looking for a way to add text and labels to each one. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

As I am not very proficient with HTML and CSS, any help is welcome. Thank you! :)

Answer №1

The updated HTML content

 <div id="progressBar-holder">
   <div id="progressBar" style="width:40%"></div>
   <div class="loadNumber">40%</div>

<div id="statusBar-holder">
  <div id="statusBar" style="width:70%"></div>
  <div class="loadNumber">70%</div>

Updated CSS styling

#progressBar-holder{width:200px;height:15px;background:grey; position:absolute;top:20px;left:30px;position:relative;}
#statusBar-holder{width:200px;height:15px;background:grey; position:absolute;top:40px;left:30px;position:relative;}

.loadNumber {

Check out,output

The concept involves adding an additional div within the bar, positioning it in the top left corner of the parent element with a width set to 100% of the parent element. Ensure the parent element has relative positioning for this to function properly. Set a z-index greater than 0 to have it displayed above other elements. Width should be set to 100% of the parent element with text alignment at the center.

Answer №2

Here is a suggestion for you to try out, incorporating both label and percentage count text:

You can achieve this by adding the following CSS code:


.label { 

 #label_one { top:20px; }
 #label_two { top:40px; }

.percentage_txt { 

After adding the CSS, modify your HTML-code as follows:


<div class="label" id="label_one">SOME LABEL</div>  
   <div id="lifeBar-holder">
   <div id="lifeBar" style="width:40%"></div>
   <div class="percentage_txt">59%</div>

<div class="label" id="label_two">SOME LABEL</div>
<div id="discretionBar-holder">
    <div id="discretionBar" style="width:70%"></div>
    <div class="percentage_txt">1%</div>

Check out the JSBin link for a preview.

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