Attempting to alter the appearance of my validation control by implementing a custom style sheet theme

After naming a style sheet theme Basic and applying it to my web.config file, I created a Validator class in the css file. Utilizing the cssClass attribute with the Validator type, I successfully adjusted the font-weight property but struggled to change the color; it remained stuck at red. Despite confirming that both the style sheet theme and control were functioning properly (as evidenced by the font-weight changes taking effect), the text color property was unresponsive.


    <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.0"/>
    <pages styleSheetTheme="Basic" />

ASPX Code:

<p id="validation"> 
    &nbsp;<asp:ValidationSummary ID="ValidationSummary1" runat="server" 
        CssClass="validator"  HeaderText="Please correct the following 
        errors:" />

Basic.css Code:

color: Gray !important;
font-weight: bold;

Upon revision, the added code now functions correctly, changing the color to Gray as intended.

Answer №1

Make sure to use the class attribute instead of CssClass
<p id="validation"> 
    &nbsp;<asp:ValidationSummary ID="ValidationSummary1" runat="server" 
        class="validator"  HeaderText="Please correct the following 
        errors:" />

I'm not familiar with ASP, so I'm not sure if it uses CssClass or not.

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